Amenities Every Vacation Home Should Have

Amenities Every Vacation Home Should Have Many vacation rental owners attempt to reduce their costs by reducing the extra amenities available to renters, but this can backfire as they find they have fewer bookings and fewer repeat guests. When asking yourself what amenities you should offer to your guests, think about your own travels. Consider […]

Meet Karl Maxon of South Coast Bicycles

Meet Karl Maxon of South Coast Bicycles Bandon is extremely fortunate to have a cycling master as one of its residents. Karl Maxon, owner of South Coast Bicycles and Bandon’s bike supplier and caretaker, has made cycling his life for many years. Originally a distance runner, he moved from Eureka, California to Eugene for college […]

I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas

I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas Christmas, for many, is indeed the most wonderful time of the year. It makes us smile just to think about green Christmas trees, colored lights, cooking, and family. It’s a time we give to and express our care for each other, family and strangers alike. This holiday season, we […]

Tips for Buying Your Vacation Rental

Tips for Buying Your Vacation Rental We thought it might be helpful to put together a few tips that will help you in your quest to purchase the perfect vacation rental home. Location, Location, Location This is real estate were talking about, so the location x 3 rule still applies. You may be using your […]