Arts and Entertainment in Bandon

Arts and Entertainment in Bandon Nature has done a spectacular job in creating for Bandon some of the finest art in the world in its beaches, ocean and wildlife. Bandon’s humans, however, create some very fine art of a different sort. Bandon’s creative presence is evident in music, numerous galleries, community theater, dance, and educational […]

Blueberry Picking in Bandon

Blueberry Picking in Bandon It’s summertime, and that means fresh blueberries on the South Coast of Oregon! There are plenty of convenient places to buy these beauties, but there’s nothing like going out into the rows yourself with a bucket and a hat and coming out with gallons of deliciousness. Fortunately, blueberry picking in Bandon […]

30 Things to do in Bandon this Summer

30 Things to do in Bandon this Summer It’s summer! The kids are out of school, the sky is blue, and the days are long. Many folks take vacation time in the summer and are drawn to the ocean from 90 degree weather along the I-5 corridor, from the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico, […]

Retiring in Bandon

Retiring in Bandon Retirement opens up a wide variety of options that may not have previously been available. No longer are people tied to a particular town or even a specific state for employment, and as their kids are increasingly settled and independent, retirees are freer to live where they want to live, not where […]

Bandon Public Library

Bandon Public Library Located just a quarter mile from Bandon’s beautiful coastline and within the Bandon City Park is the surprisingly busy Bandon Public Library. The fact that this little library is busy is actually no surprise when you discover the wide selection of books, magazines and movies, the availability of computers and special rooms, […]

Bandon’s Cranberry Farms: Mining for “Red Gold”

Bandon’s Cranberry Farms: Mining for “Red Gold” As we drive past Bandon’s many cranberry bogs, our curiosity is piqued. How do cranberries grow? How does the cranberry harvest work? What is the history of cranberry farming in Bandon? Cranberry farming has a long and rich history here in Bandon. Charles Dexter McFarlin came west from […]

Hiking at Port Orford Heads State Park

No trip to or through Port Orford would be complete without spending some time at Port Orford Heads State Park. This is a great stop for history buffs, hikers, picnic-seekers, and those interested in local museums and is great entertainment for the whole family. In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, there were numerous shipwrecks […]

Meet Grover and Debby of Winter River Books and Gallery

Meet Grover and Debby of Winter River Books and Gallery One of the fixtures and core businesses in Old Town Bandon is the Winter River Books and Gallery  on 2nd Street, across from the Continuum Building. Over its years of existence, owners Grover Hatcher and Debby Johnson have made Winter River Books the go-to for books and […]

Horseback Rides on the Beach in Bandon

Horseback Rides on the Beach in Bandon Have you always dreamed of riding a horse along the ocean at sunset? Are you looking to give your kids or grandkids a unique and fun beach experience? Is horseback riding on the beach on your bucket list? If so, you’ll find what you’re looking for on the […]

Meet Brad Sinko of Face Rock Creamery

Meet Brad Sinko of Face Rock Creamery The Face Rock Creamery may be a relatively new business, but it is part of an old and integral tradition in Bandon. Cheese has been an important part of the town’s history since the 19th century; the industry even survived two major fires in 1914 and 1936 that destroyed […]